On 22 February Tings will be taking part in “Walk to defeat MND”. If you can, we would love your support https://mndwalk.org.nz/tings

ECE Providers

Information For ECE Providers

Calling all early childhood education centres, schools, sport teams...

Are you a kindy/daycare centre and wish to regularly or bulk order from us? Or do you want to run an in-house fundraiser?

Great! Contact us now via the form below and let's chat about how we can help​

In the meantime, contact us if you have any questions.

Fundraising With Our Products

We love our community! So if you'd like to use our wet bags to help fundraise for your project, we're all in!

All you need to do is fill out the contact form below or, you can email us directly at hello@tings.co.nz and we'll send you all the in's and out's on pricing and product selection. It's that easy!